I had my frustrated running assignment with my PC, and I threatened it with a quick and painful death many times whenever it gave me mistakes … but for some reason that never seemed to work! Now I know the easiest way. troubleshooting computer errors … use a high-quality scanner for your system at least once a week … Nothing is more frustrating than a computer that freezes, hangs, and crashes in the worst of times! I have had my share of running frustrations with my PC, and I have threatened him with a sudden and painful death many times whenever he gives me mistakes … but for some reason that never seems to work! Now I know the easiest way to fix computer error … use a high-performance scanner on your system at least once a week … No matter which version of Windows you use, you’ll soon find some sort of error (there are thousands of options) and you’ll start looking for ways eliminate eating that error as soon as possible! Some of the most common mistakes I have encountered over the years are window suspension, long system suspension times, computer crashes (very annoying!), Operating system errors, fatal errors (sounds very bad), blue screen of death, and more. Imagine trying to solve a Windows operating system problem on your own, and then discover which program, login, corrupt registry key, etc … actually ‘creating’ an error to start with … That task may not sound difficult to a Microsoft editor, but for the ‘normal’, there are better things you can do with your time (like watching the grass grow) So you have a choice, to pay a computer specialist $ 60 – ??? dollars to get out of your house and fix your computer faults and problems … or you can download the most effective ‘registry cleaner’ and start scanning your computer with the click of a single button. Registration (an internal Windows storage area where all important data about the entire system is loaded on your computer) . Most registry cleaners will find problems and fix them, but some of the best programs will allow you to configure them automatically (stop and forget about them). They will also allow you to manage and manage startup programs, set up a system restore points in case anything goes wrong, and actually show you where specific problems were found and what type of PC errors. There are a few things that each person can seriously. about keeping their computer running as fast as the day they bring it home they should have it in their “maintenance repository”: * A good registration cleaner * A good spyware uninstall * A good anti-virus program * A good anti-spam program Having these tools can and will DO you a lot of misery! stolen identity due to spyware running on their system? Who wants all their important data to be corrupted and exploited because of a virus that infects and infects your entire system? Who wants to tolerate a slow computer that gives you errors every time you turn it on? Not me! Investing in a clean registry can do great things for your computer, as it will allow you to focus on running your PC instead of wasting time restarting windows in an effort to eliminate bugs and speed up your computer. I spent many hours (days even) doing the same thing in the past because I was so disgusted with my PC that I could no longer hold it… those system settings to get back to the way I used to! I find satisfaction in helping others to avoid spending as much time as I do try to fix computer errors …